Email Teardown: Denise DT’s Money Breakthrough - Part 1


Note: This post is not an endorsement of any business, program, or course. Unless explicitly stated, I am not an affiliate for any of these businesses or their programs. Please do your own research and due diligence before purchasing any of the offers mentioned in this post.

Welcome to another email teardown!

These posts will give you an inside peek into what’s happening in email today. We’ll be looking at email funnels from top marketers, breaking down each email, and analyzing what’s going on with the copy and strategy.

This week we’re taking a look at a promo from Denise DT.

The emails we’re diving into today are for Denise’s Money Breakthrough package. It was an offer she shared earlier this year that bundled 3 of her courses into one massive package with live training included.

The stats:

18 emails sent over 14 days

  • 5 webinar sign up emails

  • 2 webinar show up emails

  • 9 sales emails

    • 4 closing day emails

  • 2 post launch emails

4 day cart open period

Bundle price: $2497

Type of funnel: live launch

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Let’s dive into the emails!

Email #1: What’s it gonna take for 2019 to be different?

Email #2: [Free Training] Burnout to Breakthrough

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We start off this launch with an invite to Denise’s free training, which will help us learn how to make 2019 our money breakthrough year.

The first two emails in this launch are actually the same except for the subject line. I got both of these emails on the same day. One came in at 4 am and the resend was at 8 pm.

If you’re not familiar with this practice, you can resend emails to people on your list who haven’t opened them yet. You’ll usually change the subject line and sometimes even modify the body copy. The point is to get more people on your list to see the content they might have missed. (Here’s a great post with some best practices to follow for resends.)

If you want to resend an email, I recommend spacing the second email out more than Denise has done here. You want to wait at least 24-48 hours to avoid someone seeing both emails right on top of each other in their inbox. It looks spammy and may lead to higher unsubscribes.

Denise is based in Australia, so these resends coming in on the same day could be due to timezone weirdness. It can be hard to time campaigns when you have an international audience.

If you have an audience that spans the globe, you can get an email service provider that allows you to send at a subscriber’s local time. So if you want your email to arrive at 8 am, your service will hold off on sending it until it’s 8 am in your subscriber’s timezone. This post from Litmus has even more tips for handling timezones in your email marketing.

Email #3: Let’s talk money (webinar next week)

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A few days later we get another invite to the webinar. It’s pretty much a restating what was in the last 2 emails. Denise will be sharing her mistakes and lessons learned so we can all have a breakthrough year in 2019. If you’re interested in money and mindset, you’re smart to learn from someone like Denise who’s built a multimillion-dollar business and isn’t afraid to share the details.  

This email (and all the other webinar registration emails in the sequence) offers one-click registration. I love how that’s included right in the link so you know exactly what happens when you click.

A lot of webinar services have this feature, but I don’t see it used that often. If you have the option, it’s a great way to get existing subscribers registered. It’s a lot less friction than asking them to click a link, fill out their name + email, then click a button (and maybe even click a confirmation email). When you can make it simple, do it.

Email #4: Video: Do I have money blocks? Do you?

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In this email, Denise is sharing a video and making a confession. Despite all her success, Denise still has money blocks she’s working through.

It’s easy to think someone like her has it all figured out. But by sharing this, it puts her on the level of the person reading. It also makes her success feel more achievable. She’s not that different from you.

As someone who’s been following Denise for years, I’m familiar with the concept of money blocks. But this video is almost like a prerequisite for the webinar. (The description of the video even calls it “Pre-Masterclass Homework.”) If you’re new to Denise’s world, the idea of money blocks might be totally foreign to you. She’s using her pre-launch content to get people up to speed and help them understand how these things could be holding them back.

Depending on your reader’s stage of awareness, you may have to do some of this teaching in your pre-launch content too. What do they need to know in order to be in a place to buy? Use these early emails to help them get there.  

Then in the P.S. we get another invite to the webinar. Once again, she promises to be real and honest, including sharing her numbers.

Email #5: [Live Today] Join My Free Masterclass

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On the morning of the webinar, we get another invite. Looking at all these webinar emails together, there’s a lot of overlap between them. It’s easy to tune out when you keep seeing the same thing. I wish there was more here, like a story or a more detailed breakdown of what’s going to be covered.

One thing I want to add is that she does offer the option at the end of all these emails to opt-out of future emails related to this promotion. (It got cropped out of the email screenshots.) So if someone was just tired of seeing it in their inbox or knew they weren’t interested, they do have an out.

Email #6: Voicemail from me: Reminder today’s class

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A few hours before the masterclass, we get a voicemail from Denise. It’s a short 30-second reminder about the masterclass, how to register, and what she’ll share.

I’m starting to see more personal messages like this in launches. (Remember Tarzan’s video?) And I like it.

It doesn’t take that much extra time or effort, but actually seeing or hearing someone adds so much. You get that human element that you can miss from just emails.

It may be the next big trend, but right now there aren’t that many people doing it. You can still stand out since people aren’t oversaturated with it yet. Try it out in your next funnel and let me know how it goes!  

Email #7: Going live in 19 mins...

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Just before going live, Denise sends a quick mini reminder email with details to join the webinar.

She’s also sharing the broadcast on Facebook too. If you have the tech setup to do that you can experiment with simultaneously streaming your content to multiple platforms to reach more people.

Email #8: Webinar Replay + 2019 Enrollment Offer

The subject line says it all with this email. Denise sends the webinar replay and shares the details of the Money Breakthrough offer.

This email reiterates the offer that was presented on the webinar. That’s a great strategy when you have a short cart open period like this. You don’t have to wait for people to watch the webinar to get up to speed and know if this is something they’re interested in.

It’s a big offer with a lot included, but it doesn’t feel overwhelming thanks to the great formatting of the email. The bullets and bolding make it super scannable. Even with all those details, it doesn’t feel like you’re reading a massive wall of text.

If you have a lot of information to convey, think about how you can use formatting to help you. Readability should be something you always consider when emailing your list.

Email #9: Money Breakthrough… enrolling now

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The next morning we get a simple email letting us know doors are open. Denise shares that they’ve already welcomed lots of new members. It’s just one line, but it’s super savvy because it shows that the package is selling.

There’s quite a bit of overlap with the last email, which makes me wonder why I got both. It seems like the type of email that would only go out to people who weren’t registered for the webinar. Not sure if it’s a segmenting thing or just a launch with a lot of emails. 🤷‍♀️

Email #10: Come in, come in… meet some of our members

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This email opens with a bit of urgency — she’s only opening enrollment twice in 2019. Some of Denise’s courses are evergreen, but if you want to join them all, get a bundle discount, and access to a year of live calls you gotta buy during this launch.

This email goes on to highlight the private Facebook community that buyers get access to when they purchase Denise’s course.

To demonstrate the value of her programs, she includes a boatload of testimonials. The email is filled with students sharing the money breakthroughs they’ve had since joining Denise’s program. The examples are really tangible and showcase some amazing results. It’s great social proof.

The testimonials are screenshots of Facebook comments that include pictures and names. Sometimes you’ll see people share these types of testimonials, but they blur out the names and faces. Including names and photos with your testimonials helps to boost credibility. You don’t want people wondering if they’re fake!

If you want to do something like this, ask people if it’s okay to share. If you create a post in a Facebook group asking for feedback, you can comment right back to them to ask for permission. When people are happy with your work, they’ll probably say yes.

You can also pull words and phrases from testimonials into your copy. The last one includes the great phrase “tools for life” to describe Denise’s program. Watch out for sticky language like that. When your copy includes your ideal customer’s language for your copy it’s more likely to resonate with the right people. 

That’s where we’ll stop for this week. We’ve still got 8 more emails to go through, including a nearly 3,000 word FAQ!

Come back next week for Part 2!

Continue reading Part 2 here.

Email Teardowns