Email Teardown: Jasmine Star’s Social Curator Membership


Note: This post is not an endorsement of any business, program, or course. Unless explicitly stated, I am not an affiliate for any of these businesses or their programs. Please do your own research and due diligence before purchasing any of the offers mentioned in this post.

Welcome to another email teardown!

These posts will give you an inside peek into what’s happening in email today. We’ll be looking at email funnels from top marketers, breaking down each email, and analyzing what’s going on with the copy and strategy.

This week we’re taking a look at a promo for Jasmine Star’s Social Curator.

Social Curator is a monthly membership that provides curated photos and pre-written captions to make posting on social media easier.

Even though this launch happened last August, I still wanted to go through it to show you how launching can work for a low-priced evergreen membership. So many of the funnels we look at are for high-priced programs and courses. I was curious — is the strategy a lot different for a $25 product? Let’s see!

The stats:

11 emails sent over 13 days

  • 1 confirmation email

  • 4 webinar emails

  • 6 sales emails

Subscription price: $25/month

Type of funnel: hybrid

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This funnel was run like a live launch with a webinar, but Social Curator is an evergreen offer. I don’t think it’s an evergreen webinar you can sign up for any time. (At least I couldn’t find it on Jasmine’s site.) But you can join Social Curator any time and she does other promos throughout the year.

Let’s dive into the emails!

Email #1: Sarah, you’re registered! Here’s what you need to do next...

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In this confirmation email, Jasmine lets me know my spot it saved. She also confirms that my decision to sign up for the webinar is a big deal.

There’s a GIF of Jasmine talking, but it’s not super clear that it’s actually linked to a little welcome video. But that’s not super clear because there’s no copy telling me to click through. The video is easy to miss. If there’s an action you want your subscribers to take, make it crystal clear.

Jasmine asks us to commit to showing up live and tells why we should. Let people know the benefit of setting aside time to come live — or even show up early. It’s not enough to just tell them to do it. Give a compelling reason!

Email #2: You don’t want to show up for my Social Media planning class if...

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Yay — Jasmine has a show up sequence! If you’re running webinars, don’t let your software send generic automated reminders. Continue to sell people on showing up live like Jasmine does here.

Jasmine reveals that she’ll be sharing the secret strategy she’s used to successfully grow her online presence without a huge team. She also plays up the benefits of showing up live. You’ll get your questions answered and goodies that only go to live attendees.

If you want people to show up live instead of waiting for the replay, give them an extra incentive. It’s a commitment to set aside 1-2 hours in the middle of the day to attend a training like this. Make it worth their time.

Email #3: Why THIS social media class is different than the rest

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The morning of the webinar we get another reminder email.

Jasmine sets us up to get the most out of this class by asking us to come in with an open mind ready to learn.

As it is the email is fine. To make a little more enticing, I might add a list of fascinations teasing exactly what they’ll learn when they show up to the class. This one doesn’t even have the title of the webinar in it, which in itself is a great promise. “How to Plan, Create, and Execute a Month of Social Media Posts in ONE Day” <— that’s a great title!

Email #4: 1 hour away from learning how to plan a MONTH of social media posts in ONE day

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What a great subject line! It’s a big promise and spells out exactly what you’ll get from attending this class. I rely a lot on curiosity subject lines, but you can’t go wrong with a straight up benefit subject line like this one. If you’re overwhelmed by social media, you’re definitely checking this one out.

Jasmine touches on the pain points of her audience. They’ve spent a lot of time trying to master social media, but they still can’t find success.

She meets them where they’re at — wondering if it’s worth the time to show up to this class. She’s joining the conversation her readers are already having in their head. It’s a great technique to connect with people and shows you understand them on a deep level.  

Jasmine offers that this class will change things for the better in your business. You’ll learn how to post more in less time, improve engagement, and ultimately turn your followers into buyers. Who wouldn’t want that!

Email #5: Sarah, your live class is starting NOW

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This one’s just a quick email to let us know the webinar is starting and how to join.

This is a small thing, but from the perspective of an attendee, I appreciate that she included the webinar info was in each of her reminder emails. My inbox gets kinda crazy. When the webinar is starting, I don’t want to hunt through all my emails to find the confirmation email. Make it easy on your attendees to find the link they need.

Email #6: Your limited-time replay is ready!

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This post webinar email delivers the replay. Jasmine lets us know the replay was requested because “there were too many notes to take in a short amount of time.”  What a great way to position your webinar as value-packed!

She also lets us know how long the replay will be available. Even though says it’s only available until August 20th, that link still takes me to the replay (six-ish months later). 🤨 That’s the thing about funnels — there’s a lot of moving parts. Sometimes things are missed.  

Then the email transitions into a pitch for Social Curator. We’ve got some A+ bullet points:

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This positions Social Curator as the cure all for your social media woes. She’ll tell you what to say, when to post for maximum payoff, and give you attention catching photos.

Then she shares a couple of powerful testimonials, highlighting the key takeaways in bold. It’s a smart formatting choice. Make it easy for people to find the good stuff with your formatting.

Social proof like testimonials is a great way to increase the credibility of your offer. Notice how she uses first and last names here. It makes these people more real than if she only included first names — or even worse, just “anonymous”. Included a photo along with the testimonials is even better (which Jasmine does later in this sequence).

Jasmine also offers to answer any questions with an email reply within 24 hours. It’s great to set expectations so people know when to look out for your message back.

She also includes the option to opt out of Social Curator emails but still stay on her list. That’s great for someone who knows they’re not interested but still wants to learn from Jasmine.

Email #7: BONUS: Buy one issue, get one FREE

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We have a bonus! A BOGO bonus!

Jasmine’s tackling our top objection (looking for a checklist of what to post on Instagram and Facebook) with a bonus issue that teaches us how to plan our social media.

This a great bonus for several reasons.

It enhances the main offer. It’s foundational and future issues can grow from this starting point.

It’s a limited time bonus. It gives me a reason to sign up now instead of waiting until later. This is super important when you have an evergreen offer that people can buy any time. Why should they buy now? Use the limited time bonus to encourage them to buy instead of waiting.

It doubles the value of the offer. You’re getting 2 for the price of 1. It’s already a very reasonably priced membership, so this extra freebie just sweetens the deal.

When you’re considering bonuses, think about how they can add value and urgency that can help someone who’s on the fence jump in.

Email #8: Wow, you asked me some tough questions!

Here’s the FAQ email where Jasmine’s tackling the tough questions.

The first question seems out of place to me. The question is: I don’t want my feed to look or sound like hundreds of other people… how can I avoid this with Social Curator?

I took that to mean how can I make my account stand out from the hundreds of other people using Social Curator. But Jasmine doesn’t answer it that way.

To me, this raises more questions than it answers. Won’t I have the same pictures as tons of other people in this membership, including competitors? I don’t think this positions it as well as it could.

Be careful with the questions you include in your FAQ. You don’t want to raise an objection someone didn’t have before.

Question 2 addresses photographers specifically, which make up a good portion of Jasmine’s audience. Can they really use these images? It’s a great answer that reassures people that it’s totally above board as a photographer to use someone else’s images in your feed. She even gives a response to give if you’re asked about it. Great handling of a touchy subject.

She also addresses the question of what to post every day. It’s not a problem because that’s covered in the membership.

At the end of the email, she introduces another limited time bonus that’s only available for 24 hours. It adds even more urgency to this offer.

The P.S. is working hard on reducing risk. She doesn’t offer a guarantee, but puts the price in perspective and assures you can easily cancel whenever.

Something else I wanted to point out is the multiple CTAs throughout this email. Don’t make people scroll all the way through to find the link to buy. Maybe after Question 2, they’re ready to join. Make it easy to do that by sprinkling links to your sales page throughout longer emails.

Email #9: Jasmine—”But will Social Curator work for ME?”

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Now Jasmine’s answering the biggest question every buyer has before buying anything: Will it work for me?

We all think we’re a special case. We want reassurance that this thing can work for us.

A great way to show that something can work is by sharing testimonials from people in their particular field. People want to see a version of themselves on the page before they trust that it’s going to work for them.

Jasmine does this to a degree in her email by sharing testimonials from two different coaches. In past emails, she also featured a photographer and a musician/educator. Her sales page features even more industries. You want to have your ideal clients represented in your testimonials so they’ll see that this offer is for people like them.

Jasmine gives the value load of everything that’s included in Social Curator. When it’s all written out like that, the $25 price tag comes across as super valuable. She could go even further with this and compare the price to what you’d pay for these things individually. Stock photos and captions written by a social media expert are WAY more than $25 a month.

Email #10: One More FREE! Bonus :)

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This email does a great job of telling you why you should buy now instead of later. She amps up the frustration. She talks about the cost of waiting. If you change nothing, it’s not going to get easier. And in the meantime, you’re losing out.

But there’s something that should be in the email but isn’t: promotional pricing. If you want to join Social Curator now, the price is $30 a month. This isn’t played in any of the emails. But it presents a huge value. If you try it at the promo price and you like it, you can lock in a $60/year savings — that’s like getting 2 issues free. That’s a genuine deal, but it’s not part of the offer.

Jasmine touches a bit on what goes into creating each issue of Social Curator. I wish there was more on this. How many hours does her team spend each month? How many hours would I probably spend doing this on my own? Highlighting that would be a great illustration of the cost in time of not buying now.

Jasmine introduces another bonus. But it leaves me a bit confused.

Each bonus has only been mentioned once. So if I join now, do I get all of them? Or only the current one? That’s something that could be made clearer. She’s giving so much value for an amazing price. It should be highlighted in every email to really get it across.

Email #11: “How do I know if Social Curator is right for me?”

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In our final email, Jasmine’s helping us figure out if Social Curator is the right fit. I like the switch at the beginning — it’s not about what you can lose, but what you can gain. It’s more about the benefits of joining than the very low risk.

To help us decide, Jasmine’s put together a quiz. If you can check 4 of the 5 boxes, you’re a good fit for the membership.

But the quiz is a little hard to follow. The formatting could be changed up to make this quiz easier to read. It’s hard to tell if there are only 4 boxes or 6.

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In this email, she mentions the bonus issue again. But there’s nothing about the bonus workshop from the last email. It’s not super clear what I’ll get when I join.

For a low price membership like this, it’s not the biggest deal breaker. But if she is giving all those bonuses, why not tell people about it? The amount of value she’s offering is crazy high, but it’s like she barely scratches the surface on it. Make the value so clear that you can’t say no.

Final thoughts

Even though these emails are for a low priced offer, the strategy was on par with some of the big ticket course launches we’ve seen.

Because this first sale isn’t the only sale you have to make with a membership format. You have to make that sale every month to continue seeing that recurring revenue. By emphasizing how much time you’ll save and the value you’ll get, Jasmine is positioning Social Curator as a must-have marketing resource.

Some people might think it’s overkill to do all this for what seems like a small sale. But you can still follow the email copywriting techniques, even if your offer isn’t a $1000 course.

Email Teardowns