What if you got 800 new subscribers in 2 days?


Have you ever gone viral?

A few weeks ago, I saw a Facebook post from another business owner who got a huge spike in traffic after going viral in a group.

Her blog post was shared in a group with 200,000 members. In just 2 days she added 800 new subscribers to her list.

When I saw that post, I thought two things:

  1. That’s AMAZING growth!

  2. I hope she has a welcome sequence.

Because a lot of businesses aren’t ready to capitalize on that kind of growth.

They don’t have anything in place to follow up with new subscribers. These new leads get dumped into their regular newsletter list. Or worse — never hear from them again.

But your regular newsletter isn’t the best place to put a brand new subscriber.

Think about that subscriber’s experience. They don’t know who you are yet. They don’t know how you can help. They don’t know what you offer.

They don’t have the context they need to start getting your latest blog post or hearing your newest offer.

You need to talk to new subscribers in a different way than you would someone who’s been on your list for months.

Give them a great introduction to your brand with a welcome sequence that takes them by the hand and leads the way.

This is the automated email series that helps subscribers get to know you, shares what you do, and lets them know how you can help solve their biggest problem.

If you only have one email sequence, make it a welcome sequence. Take advantage of your new subscriber’s excitement to show that your emails are worth reading! (A great welcome sequence can do wonders for your future open rates.)

But here’s the thing — you only have one chance to make a first impression.

That’s why you’ve got to have things in order before your opt-in blows up and you’ve got hundreds of warm leads with nothing to send.

If you haven’t done it yet, get your welcome sequence up and running now. Because you never know when you’ll go viral.

Is your email marketing strategy set up for a subscriber windfall? If it’s not, now would be the perfect time to create a welcome sequence that converts.

I can help you put together a warm welcome that helps new subscribers become fans and customers. Get in touch here to see how we can work together.

Email Marketing