Want to get more sales in 2018? Do these 4 proven things with your email list!


It’s that time of the year when everyone starts setting their big ambitious goals for the new year. Your friends on Facebook are sharing their “word for 2018”. Your mastermind buddies are spilling their income goals. And every other entrepreneur you know seems to be on the 90 Day Year track.

You’ve probably set some business goals too. Maybe you’re planning to launch your new course, start a podcast, or host your first live event. Whatever your goals are, I’m betting that there’s one more on your list — boosting sales in the new year.

That’s a biggie (and one that should be on every business owner’s list). To help you get there, you can use your email list to bring in more sales. Here are a few tried and tested ways to optimize your email marketing to help you make more sales in 2018. 

1. Spruce up your opt-in

To get the most out of your list, you need to attract the right type of subscribers. You’re not looking for tire kickers - you’re looking for people who will turn into buyers. That’s why you need to make sure your opt-in freebie is attracting the right people. Think about your ideal customer’s journey and create an opt-in offer that helps subscribers take that first step towards working with you.

Once you’ve got the right opt-in offer, make sure it’s easy for people to sign up. Include opt-in forms in several different places on your website so those right people can get on your list.  

2. Write an engaging welcome sequence

After people join your list, how do you follow up? Your welcome sequence is your chance to make a lasting impression on new subscribers. It should be engaging, interesting, and valuable so your subscribers keep opening your emails.

You can also use your welcome sequence to make sales. Think about adding a tripwire or a low cost introductory product that gives new subscribers a taste of what it’s like to work with you.  

3. Create a consistent email schedule

If you want people to buy from you, they need to trust that you’re not going to take the money and ghost them. One of the best ways to build trust with your marketing is by showing up consistently. When you’re in their inbox every week without fail, you start to look like the kind of business that isn’t going to disappear overnight.

Whether you email every week or every day, choose a schedule that works for you and stick to it. The more you email, the more chances you have to connect with subscribers and ask for the sale. 

4. Segment subscribers automatically

The best way to increase conversions is to serve the right offers to the right people at the right time. But if you don’t know anything about your list, it’s hard to personalize your email marketing.

That’s why you should start gathering information about subscribers as soon as they join your list. Use your email marketing software to track links and tag subscribers based on their interactions with your emails. This gives you more information about your list so you can send targeted offers later on.  

If you want more help planning email campaigns that bring in sales, get in touch! We can optimize your email marketing strategy and copy to bring in more leads and close more sales. 

Email Marketing